They are in a state of perfect conservation. They were found by archaeologists from the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP, for its acronym in French). Three luxurious bronze statues were found during excavations of a ‘Roman domus’ complex in Reims, France. The luxurious Roman statues from the 2nd century maintain their magnificence.
In ancient times, Reims, then known as Durocortorum, was the second largest city in Roman Gaul. It was the provincial capital of Belgian Gaul. At its peak, the city had an estimated population of between 30,000 and 50,000. It is said that it possibly reached 100,000.
The archaeologists found there a domus Gallo-Roman from the 2nd century AD It appeared in the excavations carried out at the western end of Durocortorum. This is reported by the media Heritage Daily. The site is located more than a kilometer from the forum, between the decumanus maximus and the main water channel that runs through Reims.
The entrance to the domus It is adorned with large pillars and a frescoed wall. This represents Achilles and Deidamia, from Roman mythology. According to INRAP, this scene that precedes the Trojan War is appreciated in Rome. Therefore, his presence in Reims attests that he belonged to the elites of the provincial capital of Belgian Gaul. The excavations also discovered three bronze statuettes representing Mars, a bull and an unknown goddess.
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The Mars statue features a sophisticated armor design. It includes a Medusa on the breastplate and a relief of the she-wolf with Romulus and Remus. The statue of the goddess shows a female figure carrying the club of Hercules, a snake and the skin of the Nemean lion. She is adorned by a helmet with an engraved sphinx.
«It is of enormous quality. The statuettes and the rare richness of the decorative repertoire of the house’s painted plasters indicate wealthy owners with a strong attachment to Roman culture,” declared INRAP.