The Chinese Ministry of Science published it on June 14. Shortly thereafter it was deleted. A team of scientists from Beijing Normal University made an unpublished announcement. They spoke of a possible signal from an extraterrestrial civilization. It would have been picked up by the huge 500-meter diameter FAST radio telescope. It is the largest radio telescope in the world.

Mysterious signals
Astronomer Zhang Tonjie detected two intriguing sets of signals in 2020. Then a third narrowband radio signal was found. This is the one normally used by human aircraft and satellites.
“These are narrowband electromagnetic signals different from others in the past,” says Tonije. The team is currently working on further investigation. The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high.”
As soon as it was published, the report began to circulate on the Internet. It was picked up by numerous media around the world. And China, without explanation, suddenly removed it from its bulletin.
This is not the first time that a radio signal from deep space has puzzled scientists. In 1977, a minute-long electromagnetic burst occurred. It was picked up by the Big Ear telescope at Ohio State University.

Similar technology
The signals picked up by FAST occurred at a frequency widely used by our technology. Is it possible that this is the possible signal of an extraterrestrial civilization? A hypothetical alien civilization would also be using it for communications.
In any case, before saying anything conclusive, we will have to wait for Tonjie and the rest of his team to debug the signals. It must be demonstrated that they are not interference from our own electronic devices. Let’s not forget what happened with the alleged alien signals captured between 2011 and 2014. What was it, finally? It was produced by the researchers themselves… every time they heated their lunches in the microwave.