Before using words, people communicated through gestures. How much does it hold up now? Body language is a kind of non-verbal communication. Gestures convey information to another person. How does it help us to improve our interpretation? Knowing the secrets of non-verbal language benefits various disciplines on many levels.
Registered gestures
Facial expressions and movements are critical to the work of the FBI. Explained by Joe Navarro, ex-agent and body language expert. At some airports, all employees receive body language training. This enables you to identify the various threats inherent in your workstations.
A face coding system has been around for 40 years. Name human facial movements based on how they look on the face. Systematically classify the physical expression of emotions, which is very useful for psychology.
There are 43 muscles in our face that can make more than 10,000 expressions. Everyone knows what a smile or a grimace means. But many others escape us. By reading just one face, we can guess if someone is happy, angry, or disgusted. These facial expressions are programmed in the brain. Hence, they are common to all people on the planet.
Microexpressions, unlike traditional facial expressions, are very difficult to hide. These are rapid, involuntary, and uncontrolled facial movements.
Genetic inheritance
At the beginning of mankind there was only non-verbal behavior. To live or die depended on its reading. Our body sends out signals that can be understood without expressing anything verbally. This is an instant and automatic process. For example, our face involuntarily communicates fear. The physical expression of fear allows us to expand the chest and take in more oxygen to prepare the body for fight or flight. The eyes are enlarged. This increases the field of view so that we can see more things.
On the contrary, when we are angry we frown. We narrow and narrow the field of vision to narrow our goal. Our non-verbal behavior is embedded in our evolutionary history.
Lilian Glass is a communications expert and behavioral analyst. It is said that the body does not lie unless we are a specialist. It’s an innate mechanism. We express physically what we feel.
The limbic system are brain structures that regulate physiological responses to certain stimuli. It has evolved to respond when we are in danger. Emotional states have their main neurological basis in this system. It’s software that works by default.
Reporter’s body
According to Joe Navarro, the movements of the feet are usually more expressive than a smile. That is why they are so interesting to discover others’. Why do we gesticulate with our hands when talking on the phone without the recipient being able to see us? Because this movement helps us think. Our gestures are not just communicative. They are the way we are programmed and the body expresses what happens in the mind.
Our brain combines physiological, cognitive and expressive behavioral components of the face and body. In them lie the secrets of non-verbal language.
Verbally we can camouflage an emotion. Even so, our body will always want to tell the truth … whether we like it or not.