The solarigraphy technique allows us to create incredible photos

The digital age and smartphones represent a before and after in photography. Although there is always room for art and creativity through the technique of solarigraphy. A form of photography where the camera is the least, there are no optics and no development processes are required.

Solarigraphy technique
Wikimedia Commons
What is this innovative solarigraphy technique?

It’s about the use of pinhole cameras, a box that doesn’t let light through, except through a small hole in the forehead. It is the principle known as the camera obscura and does not require optics or subsequent development. Exactly pinhole means narrow hole.

The main participant in the solarigraphy technique is the sun, precisely the word solarigraphy refers to the star king, with the addition “i”, on the Internet. The exposure time takes longer, experts recommend no less than three months, and the results are incredible.

It doesn’t require any development as I said, but it does require a scanner and photo retouching program. All items that are easily available and do not require investment.

A simple process for an incredible result

The process is simple, the photosensitive paper is inserted into the pinhole camera opposite the small hole. The camera is kept in a safe place where it cannot move for a long time. The camera detects the movement of the sun, so it is important that it reflect certain landscapes and not just the sky.

The image obtained is that of the sun’s movement over time, so it is very important that the camera does not move from its place during the long exposure. Once the photosensitive paper is removed from the rustic camera, no chemical process is required for the image to appear. It is important that you remove the paper in a location with very low light to avoid blurring the image.

Solarigraphy shows the path of the sun
Wikimedia Commons
You don’t need a special camera or develop the recordings

The day-long image of the passage of the sun is reflected on photo paper through the physical process that blackens the silver halides in the paper. Photo paper contains a negative image, just like old photo rolls.

Because of this, with the help of a scanner located in houses or offices, the image can be converted into art. With an image retouching program you can give it more or less intensity, more or less light, always at the discretion of the photographer.

It is a simple technique that, because of its low cost, can be performed by any amateur photographer. One of the pioneers of this type of photography, the Spaniard Diego López Calvin, uses this technique to obtain images from all over the world. A technique that combines art with science, but is accessible to everyone.

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