The water motor was invented in Spain

As early as the 1970s, the crisis triggered by the Yom Kippur War caused the oil price to rise excessively. At that time, a Spaniard named Arturo Estévez Varela presented an engine that ran on water.

Arturo Estévez Varela conquered all media in the early 1970s, but his invention was pure fraud. Image: Diario Hoy
Did you really invent an engine that ran on water?

It was an internal combustion engine converted to water and a “secret ingredient”, as its inventor put it. Although many called it a scam, this man’s invention really worked.

Arturo Estévez Varela comes from Valle de la Serena, where he was born in 1914. He graduated from Areneros de Madrid with an industrial expert, now an industrial engineer. This inventor was the creator of more than 70 patents during his lifetime. As early as 1972 he was awarded the silver medal at the International Exhibition in Brussels. This shows that Don Arturo was not a fraud or a professional fraud.

The oil crisis made the invention of the water motor so popular that it even appeared on television. The inventor poured water into the tank of his adapted moped. Also, he added a little of his secret ingredient and left it on the motorcycle.

Details on the operation of this engine

It wasn’t the water that moved the engine, but a hydrogen generator, as he himself suggested. With two and a half liters of water plus one kilogram of its secret ingredient, the engine worked wonders.

The secret substance triggered a chemical reaction. Hydrogen was released, which served as fuel. However, the invention was forgotten and no one spoke of it. Of course, different stories have formed around this water machine.

Most of what was heard was that the big oil companies bought the invention and it was never patented and eventually archived. For oil producing countries, such an invention would put an end to a big business that dominated the world and is still doing today.

Even if the reality is different. The invention reached the Spanish government and Franco commissioned a group of experts to analyze the engine. But there was a problem, they suspected the secret ingredient was boron. This semi-metal is still very expensive today. For this reason, Franco rejected the proposal because it was more expensive than gasoline.

However, Estévez Varela insisted that its secret ingredient wasn’t boron but didn’t say what it was. Technicians assume that it is ferro-silicon. It’s an alloy that was used at the beginning of the century to fill hot air balloons and airships with hydrogen.

Ferrosilicon – Wikimedia Commons

It should be noted that today there are cars that run on hydrogen. However, in the Spanish model, instead of hydrogen under pressure, only water is poured into the tank. As you can see, the Spanish invention was possible, but the truth of what happened may never be known.

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