The Dark Web and the Deep Web are online spaces where there is no indexingthe information is not categorized and data cannot be searched because its content is not found in search engines such as Google or Yahoo!
These are wider spaces than you think, since it is estimated that 90% of the information that exists on the network is not accessible through search engines. It is not so easy to reach it, and you need a browser like Tor to take the first steps on the Dark Web.
The information that can be found on the Dark Web is of all kinds and must be accessed with great caution, because not being “on the surface” of the Internet there is less control over it, and this is also exploited by users with unclear intentions.
If you decide to enter the Dark Web at your own risk, we are going to name some portals that you will be able to consult in this space and where you will obtain quality information. Before starting, we recommend that you protect your privacy with a VPN so that you can be safe on the Dark Web.
– The Hidden Wiki: is a portal that is modeled after Wikipedia, but offers interesting information of all kinds. There are movie review articles, book reviews, discussion sections on topics of interest and more. It offers a huge amount of content on important trending topics, which are dealt with in a professional and very objective manner.
– SoylentNews: is an open source news aggregator that can gather a lot of information about one or several topics. Users have the ability to read and submit reports from around the world, there are discussion forums and an automatic comment moderation system.
– ProPublica: it is one of the most relevant news media, it was a pioneer in its time when it launched a Dark Web version of its portal in 2016. It is a non-profit news organization. Its main goal is to expose abuse of power and betrayals of public trust by the government. Suffice it to mention that one of its journalists, Hannah Dreier, won the Pulitzer Prize in 2019.
– DuckDuckGo: we have arrived at what is arguably one of the best search engines on the Dark Web. One of the strengths of DuckDuckGo, which you could also access through a normal Internet browser, is that it provides top-notch protection that is able to keep the user anonymous.