Trick to activate the hidden menu of Amazon Fire TV

If you have a smart TV with the Amazon Fire operating system or you have a Fire Stick, you should know that this software has a hidden menu that will give you access to additional options that make it possible to obtain data from the device, such as configuring the image format, viewing the network to detect problems and many more.

Below, you will learn how you can activate the hidden menu on Amazon Fire TV. It is a simple procedure that does not entail any risk because you will not be violating the terms and conditions of use of this software. This means that you will not lose the warranty on your device if it is still valid.

Steps to enable the hidden menu on Amazon Fire TV

There are two methods you can apply, the first and easiest is to hold down the central button on the Fire TV remote together with the down directional button for an estimated time of four seconds. When you release the controls, the “Menu” option will appear for you to access.

The second option requires the Amazon gaming controller, hold down the A and B buttons for five seconds, release them and choose the “Menu” function.

Features of the hidden menu of your Fire TV

Now, the options that you will have available in the hidden menu will be the following:

– System X-Ray: exposes software data and performance of the stick or smart TV (depending on the device you have).

– Launch Configuration Panel: You will see data about the operating system in order to optimize it if you wish.

– Advanced Options: You will access media data through the MediaCodec APIs.

– Record & Share: exposes real-time information about the memory, network and CPU of the stick or smart TV.

– Safe Zone: Here you can set the image format so that it is displayed correctly on the screen. This can be very useful on widescreen monitors.

– Network Proxy: You will see requests from installed applications and the responses they receive.

– Developer Options: Here you can activate the “Recommended by your apps” section, which is advertising content.

– Launch Network Advisor: you will have access to the software network to detect problems.

– Clear Credential Storage: In this last section you can delete the credentials of the apps installed in the system.

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