It is as if the ruins of a great city were resting under the waters. It would seem that they are, for example, the ruins of Atlantis. But the reality is different. The volcanic columns under the sea of the Canary Islands are the work of nature.

Hexagonal lava
Secrets of the Ocean is an environmental education project for the dissemination and protection of the oceans. It is directed by Enrique Talledo. Local divers already knew the location of these fascinating basaltic columns. But Enrique has helped to spread the word about them through his project. “At first glance it seems that we are in grandiose temples of anthropogenic origin. Or even the ruins of Atlantis. But it is nature itself that has created numerous hexagonal basaltic columns. And formed one of the most surprising and beautiful visual spectacles of the ocean”. This is how Talledo explains it.
Over many, many years, the volcanoes of the Canary Islands have forged some absolutely spectacular sceneries. How are basaltic columns formed? Basaltic lava, when cooling, solidifies, but decreasing its volume. During the process, it splits into prisms of different types. Often hexagonal. Thus, it forms characteristic sets in many volcanic reliefs. The most famous of the Canary Islands are not underwater, but visible on the vertical walls of La Gomera.

Magical fascination
The last photographs were taken in Garachico, La Rapadura and La Atlántida. Talledo has just been distinguished with the Arona SOS Atlántico 2022 Award. He is the protagonist of the exhibition Secrets of the Ocean at the Cultural Center of Los Cristianos.
Talledo travels the oceans. In his photographs there are wonders such as the largest fish in the world, inhabitants of the depths such as the giant squid or the colloquially called cows of the sea. “Talledo participated in twenty-seven scientific expeditions and has won more than a hundred awards and recognitions. The seabed of our islands is fascinating to him,” explained Tourism of Tenerife. They describe the seabed of the Canary Islands as “planets of lava”. The volcanic columns under the sea of the Canary Islands cause real fascination.