Since the dawn of the Internet, when it comes to logging into an online account we have always needed two things: a username and a password. It has been the method we have used all our lives, as it was the most secure. However, Google has created Passkey with the aim of replacing passwords.
Google’s Passkeys are a new method for logging into any application that replaces passwords.
Why should passwords be replaced? As tools have evolved and malicious actors have refined attack methods, it is increasingly becoming more complicated to create a secure password and the dangers of surfing the Internet are increasing.
What is Passkey by Google
Passwords are no longer secure and a sign of this are all the tools that have appeared in recent years as a reinforcement to security such as: biometric systems, password managers or two-factor authentication (2FA) systems that add extra layers of security, although they require a double interaction to log in.
Google’s solution is Passkey, a more secure identification method intended to replace passwords. It consists of WebAuthn cryptographic keys that using a user device such as a computer, cell phone or security key can log in anywhere. In short creates an access key from one device and is used to log in to any other device.
Unlike password managers, Passkey does not need to be configured on every device we will use, as the identity is synchronized in the cloud through the primary device. In fact, with Passkey we don’t even need to remember passwords.
How to activate Google Passkey
When signing in to a Google account, the service will detect that we have a Passkey. At that point, instead of asking for login credentials, it will prompt the user to use the Passkey’s primary device to log in. For example, Google displays a QR that must be scanned to log in.
On the other hand, every time we create an account in a new service, the device alerts us that we can generate a new Passkey and does it automatically, without us having to configure anything. Once it is created, it is saved in Chrome’s password generator and is automatically synchronizes.
To activate the Google passkey we access our Google profile from any device and select the option “Manage Google account”.
Once inside, we select the “Security” tab and access the “Passkeys” section. At this point, the service will ask us to verify our identity by entering our Google password.
Once verified, a list of our devices will appear in which we will have to select one and click on “Create access key”. Once the device is configured, we will be able to use it to log in to other devices.