What is a ‘content curator’ and qualities of a good content curator

The content curator (or content curator, in Spanish) is the name by which the professional in charge of searching and selecting, among all the information that circulates on the Internet, the content that may be relevant for a brand on social networks is known. .

That is, it is the person who selects information, photographs, videos… that can add value to the members of the community created around the brand and that help achieve the objectives set in the Social Media Plan.

Although the word has begun to be used in recent years, the concept behind it is not at all new. In fact, man has been practicing “content curation” for centuries.

For example, that is the task that journalists perform on a daily basis, when selecting the most important news for their audience. In the same way, fishmongers choose at the market the pieces that will satisfy the needs of their clients. The underlying idea is the same: among all types of merchandise, you choose the one most appropriate to the taste of the people you want to target.

Who is the content curator in a company

In large companies, the task of selecting interesting content for social networksamong all those that are usually published on the Internet, corresponds to the Community Manager.

It can also fall to any other professional member of the Social Media department and, in large corporations, there may be the position of “content curator” as such. It will depend on the organizational structure of the company and the available personnel, as well as the resources allocated to the Social Media, Communication or Marketing department.

In an SME or small company, the task will fall to the person in charge of managing social networks, whether it is a full-time company professional, a worker who is entrusted with the task, or an external agent or collaborator.

Whoever you are, you will spend part of your workday reading, identifying and selecting content relevant to the members of your community. You will have to know how to put aside the irrelevant and keep what is most important, but something is essential: it will not be enough to share the selected content, but it is necessary to provide additional value to what is shared.

Qualities of the ‘content curator’

-Training. There is no specific training to become a content curator. However, the professional who performs this task should have a high level of knowledge, both general and specific, about the sector in which they work. In the same way, having knowledge in areas such as communication and marketing and even a commercial point of view can be very beneficial.

-Curiosity. You must be a curious and investigative person, constantly learning, with the ability to try new tools that help you do your job. You must be aware of the latest developments in Social Media, to learn about new platforms where you can find content, trends and techniques to get it to your target audience.

-Critical spirit. You must separate what is irrelevant from what is relevant. It will always take into account the needs of the user community created around the brand and will look for what is relevant to them. You will identify the best sources of information, always questioning their veracity. -Knowledge of online marketing. You will know how to locate the best sources of information, always questioning their veracity, and you will know useful tools for selection.

-Drafting. Once you have selected the messages that you will share with your audience, you will transform them to adapt them to the reality of the social network in which they will be published, always providing value. It will offer a professional comment, the point of view of one of the company’s experts or any other type of information or graphic resource that allows its target audience to find that content interesting, not only because it has been shared without further ado but because of the additional provides.

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