Marketing techniques to surprise consumers are constantly evolving. On social networks, they are attracted to the brand through inbound marketing, but this is not enough. Taking into account the overexposure to stimuli that the public has every day on these platforms, impressing them is increasingly difficult.
With the need to find new ways to communicate and surprise, new marketing trends and practices appear. One of the most popular today is known as FOOH Advertisingnamed after the acronym of Fake Out Of Home, a type of advertising that is based on visual impact to capture the attention of viewers and generate a stir with the publications made on the network.
Examples of FOOH advertising
FOOH advertising and marketing is a type of outdoor advertising that uses technologies such as computer generated imagery (CGI) to create realistic images of advertisements that do not really exist as such in reality. It also usually uses techniques of augmented reality With it, digital elements are joined to physical ones that are real.
For example, Barbie walking through the streets of Dubai, a Maybelline mascara in the New York subway, Adidas sneakers in the Obelisk in Buenos Aires, Big Ben wrapped in a The North Face, or Tanqueray’s collaboration in the Schweppes light on Gran Vía are some examples of FOOH that have managed to stand out.
These advertisements are designed primarily to attract the attention of users on social networks and generate interaction and conversation, which is why they are usually created in vertical and short video format, because they are designed for platforms like TikTok or Instagram. What is sought with this is that they have a supposed spontaneity, simulating that someone on the street is casually recording the action.
Characteristics of good FOOH advertising
With these techniques, it is possible to create a great connection with the audience, which translates into greater commitment to the brand or company on the part of consumers. Of course, brands that implement advertising strategies based on this technique must keep some considerations in mind:
–The content must be of quality. If a strategy of this caliber is executed poorly, it can generate a negative perception of the brand.
–Companies must be transparent and it must be clear when it is FOOH, otherwise it can damage consumer confidence.
-Although it is a very fine limit, It must be content that does not deceive viewers and that it does not raise ethical concerns. That is, there should be no doubt that it is content created for advertising purposes.