What is the Dark Web and the Deep Web [Vídeo]

Dark Web data leaked

You may have heard of the terms “Deep Web” and “Dark Web” and not quite know what their difference is. You may even think that they refer to the same thing, but this is not the case, and not everything included in these networks is illicit or dark content. In today’s video we easily explain both concepts, in a graphic way, so that you understand the reality of the Internet in its entirety:

As we explained in the video, the Internet could be divided into three areas: Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web. The differences would be the following:

-Surface Web. It would be the Internet as most Internet users know it. It would be represented by all the content that can be accessed using traditional search engines such as Google or Yahoo! It represents approximately 10% of the total online content that exists today.

-Deep Web. This term refers to all online content that is not accessible on the Internet through traditional search engines. It would be for example the contents that a user saves on a digital hard drive or his Dropbox account.

It would also be part of the Deep Web those that are published in your closed profile in social networks (for example in your Facebook account, if this is not accessible to everyone) or for example the contents of a media accessed through a payment gateway. It represents 90% of the total online content that currently exists.

-Dark Web. The Deep Web contains a series of contents that require a special browser to access. These are contents that are difficult to access and, therefore, can be exploited by cybercriminals to carry out illicit activities such as the sale of prohibited products, or to post personal information stolen from users, etc.

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