Although many podcast listeners use apps such as Apple Podcats or platforms such as Spotify – which has made podcasts a cornerstone of its strategy – and iVoox, the recent “Podcast 360” study by Luminate finds that in the United States, YouTube is the platform most used to listen to podcasts, with 78% of the podcast audience aged 13 and older.
In the United States, the number one platform for consuming podcasts is already YouTube, with millions of subscribers
These data confirm those offered last May by a Cumulus report announcing that YouTube had overtaken Spotify as the number one platform for podcast playback, and the reason seems to be in the lthe reason seems to lie in the fact that podcasts broadcast live in videopodcasts format.
Despite the fact that listening continues to be the main way of consuming this type of content, with 83% of respondents using it, 59% say they watch video podcasts, with 42% of respondents confessing that they keep both forms of consumption of this content. Although both Apple Podcasts and Spotify also support videopodcastsyouTube has emerged as the platform par excellence for this type of content.
Another point in favor of YouTube is its better performance as a content search engine and that, above all, users already use it for other purposesso the process of adding listening/viewing to already ingrained habits involves a minimal learning curve.
Aware of this situation and of its privileged (and unexpected) situation as a platform for the consumption of this type of content, YouTube has introduced a specific section dedicated to podcasting last July, accessible for the moment only in the United States through a dedicated tab that already has millions of subscribers.