If you are at home or at the home of someone you trust, there is no problem connecting to the site’s Wi-Fi network because it is a reliable connection. However, the same does not happen when you are in a place you do not know, since using a public Wi-Fi signal could put the security of your mobile at risk.
Therefore, when you are outside a secure area, it is important that you take some precautions so that the private information on your smartphone does not fall into the hands of cybercriminals. It will be enough to be cautious so that your data remains protected, in this article we will explain what you can do.
For this reason you should turn off WiFi when leaving home.
When you leave your mobile’s Wi-Fi on, the terminal will automatically search for the networks that are available to connect to one of them. This way, if there is a public Wi-Fi connection, the smartphone will join it on its own and will not inform you about what it has just done.
That is a great danger, since public Wi-Fi can be used by hackers to access your phone with the aim of stealing passwords from social networks, knowing your credit card information, obtaining information from the files you save on mobile and more.
It is something simple and logical, when you share an Internet connection with people you don’t know, you are leaving yourself exposed to any attack that a cybercriminal can carry out.
For this reason, the smartest thing you can do when leaving a secure Wi-Fi connection is to disable Wi-Fi on your smartphone so that it does not connect to any network without your authorization, so you will not run the risk of becoming a the victim of data theft.
How to turn off Wi-Fi on your phone?
Turning off the terminal’s Wi-Fi is an extremely simple process, and the procedure is very similar on Android and iPhone. You just have to open the taskbar (swipe down from the center of the home screen) and do the following:
– Touch the box labeled “Internet” or “Wi-Fi”.
– A floating window will open, deactivate the “Wi-Fi” function switch and press “Done” to confirm the action.
On the other hand, to prevent your mobile from connecting to networks that are not secure, delete the connections it has saved so that it does not use them again without your consent. Do the following:
– Go to the “Settings” app on your phone and enter “Internet and networks”.
– Several options will be displayed, select “Internet”.
– Now, click on the network you want to delete and when you are in its configuration, press “Forget”.