How to use emotions to connect with audiences on social networks

Emotions in digital marketing

For humans, emotions are transcendent and part of the decisions that are made on a daily basis, including those that are part of the sales process. In digital marketing, emotions become “psychological triggers” that trigger customer actions such as clicking a link, subscribing to a mailing list, or increasing engagement.

Amazement is one of the emotions that generates the greatest user engagement

While it doesn’t seem like it, most big decisions are made based on emotions. Because of this, some marketing techniques like storytelling work very well for stories Connect with the most emotional part of the person. That way, having an emotional connection with your audience makes it much easier to get them to act and guide them through the sales funnel.

Not all emotions, however generate the same engagement in the reader. A study conducted by Buzzsumo that analyzed 10,000 articles posted on social networks showed that amazement (articles like, “You won’t believe what happens in the end …” even though they’re nothing more than clickbait) is Emotions that generate the most engagement, while sadness and anger are the least attractive to the audience.

With that in mind, the content is that creates positive feelings or that focuses on entertainment, gets more shared, and generates more responses. It is also more common for content that contains amazing facts to be shared, as well as any content that creates fear and anxiety.

Despite the fact that fear and fear are strong emotions, they are not best suited for digital marketing because if the audience makes a hasty decision, moved by fear and later regret, the brand’s image could be adversely affected.

However, when fear is used carefully to expose the audience to other influences, it can be a great tool. Fear can cause insecurity Make decision making difficult. When used well, it can stimulate customers to act and encourage the audience to seek more information on a topic.

Although, as we say, it is the positive feelings (laughter, joy, enthusiasm, or amazement) that create more interaction and improve social content sharing. With this in mind, any content that brings joy, be it love or laughter, will gain a lot of visibility as users are more open to share it on all of their social networks.

The key to creating content that focuses on emotions is choosing the right keywords. The easiest way to find the right keywords is to think about the action you want the audience to take, decide what emotional state is driving that action, and ultimately choose the right compelling words that link that action to the emotion. These keywords need to be short, simple, and concise so that they connect to the emotion first and then to the brain.

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