What is #MonkMode on TikTok to increase productivity

What is Monk Mode on TikTok

If you are a user of social networks like TikTok, it is very likely that in recent days you have seen videos about “Monk Mode”, which is trending on the platform. There are many Internet users who are applying it in their lives to improve their productivity and achieve the goals they set for themselves.

If you also want to practice it, or simply know what it is about, pay attention that we are going to explain it to you here:

What is #MonkMode

“Monk mode” is a method that is based on pay all your attention what you are working on during a specific period of time. Therefore, it is about eliminating all distractions during that period.

The objective when applying this method is to use or manage time in the best way to increase productivity. That is, focusing 100% on the task at hand during the time allocated for it, making any distractions that do not contribute to achieving the objective disappear.

This “way of life,” which YouTuber Iman Gadzhi first talked about, has become enormously popular on social networks, especially on TikTok. This is reflected by the views accumulated by the hashtags that refer to it on this social network.

For example, #modomonje gathers more than 7.6 million views on the Chinese social network, and its English version, #monkmode, accumulates some 72 million views on the same network.

#monkmode hashtags on TikTok

These figures on TikTok are replicated on other social platforms and may seem somewhat paradoxical considering that precisely social networks, in some cases, can be the cause of distractions for a large part of the users.

Some of the TikTok users who share videos about “monk mode” refer precisely to this supposed bad habit of constantly looking at your phone to enter social networks or to see notifications received instantly.

It is a habit that, during work, studying or when carrying out any task, could greatly affect the concentration necessary to carry it out and that can be common if you have a certain dependence on your mobile phone.

How to put Monk Mode into practice

To start this method and achieve your goals, there are a series of tips that you can use. Take note:

– Set some objectives. Define the clear goals you want to achieve. Keep in mind that it is not about achieving everything at once and perfectly, but rather focusing on each goal using your time in the best way.

– Define schedules to focus on your goals. It is not about carrying out an exactly the same daily routine, but rather defining schedules in which you will specifically focus on your goals. For example, it can be a few hours a day or a few specific days.

– Recognize your distractions and eliminate them. For example, if during your study or during your work, social networks involve a constant distraction, it is best to avoid them 100%. You can turn off the device, put it on airplane mode, uninstall applications or use concentration modes like those included in iPhones. There are even applications designed only to block applications at certain times of the day.

– Create a daily agenda. A good idea is to have a diary-like agenda where you can monitor your tasks specifically and keep track of them.

– Have habits that help you achieve your goals. Rest properly, get up early, read, learn something new, play sports, eat well… These healthy habits can help you meet your goals.

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